Emotions Cleaning
Looking from IT project manger perspective and mental way of being, firstly I just wanted to check what is the emotion clearing…let’s try and see….and then one day…I suddenly started feeling lighter…lighter in my soul, and all appeared to be easier in my life. I discovered why….when I got the report about emotions cleaned by Karolina that day! I was shocked with precision of emotions identified that were locked. All made sense….from mental perspective too, I was able to clearly define and match events that caused them in my life….anyway….after they are not important anymore as they were cleared!!! Highly recommended, clearing emotions is a key and may enable your new life. Thank you Karolina….with love.
What it is
At some point in our lives an event might occur that is so emotionally strong—consciously or sometimes even unconsciously—that the emotion stays inside us. Sometimes this could be an emotion that we inherit from our parents, grandparents, or ancestors. We are somehow blocked, and we may not even know it.
This trapped emotion builds a “wall around our heart” that prevents us from being fully happy, abundant, healthy, and joyful. It keeps us from living our full purpose, which is abundance and love.
Every emotion is a vibration of pure energy and has its own frequency. Our body is made of atoms, which is also energy, so we are affected by the energy of our emotions because our body is also made of energy.
A single trapped emotion can create both emotional and physical problems (for example, any chronic pain).
After the cleaning performed by Karolina, i.e. me, my son and my daughter-in-law, the opinion that it works was confirmed. Of course, we were very skeptical, because it’s hard to imagine anything working remotely, but still. Due to my age and my illnesses, I felt the most beneficial effects – I felt stronger and healthier in general, and the young people found that they felt different, that is, they had more energy and optimism.
What to expect
Once ALL THOSE TRAPPED emotions are found and RELEASED – CLEANED, they are GONE from the heart and one is free of their burden.
One might feel different: lighter, happier, healthier, joyful. Any pain that was there disappears. One might behave differently or any other event might occur, whatever the soul needs in that moment for its fulfilment.
I knew Karolina was to clean my blocked emotions but I didn’t know when. The other day when I was driving and I felt so so light, like anything was possible to me. Then I looked at my phone and I saw message from Karolina that she has just did it!!! That was incredible. I felt free and relieved. And the best thing is that it still continues! I personally think everybody should do it. At least that is a great thing to start with!
What I offer
I FIND clean and release all TRAPPED EMOTIONS from the emotional body of people and animals (yes, animals also have emotions) that I am allowed to find. I list all the trapped emotions that I find and which organs they may have affected. I also list at which age these emotions were trapped. Some of those may sound familiar. There is no need to be here with me. Everything is done at distance.
I did not know how Karolina knew it, I did not know how she did it, but I know it was amazing and I am still very impressed by it. She hit the spot and the changes have come.
What you receive
– A list of all YOUR trapped emotions and which organs they may have affected.
– The age at which these emotions were trapped.
– Better wellbeing and much more….
There is no need to be here with me.
Everything is done at distance.
Cost: 40 Euros
Karolina performed an energetic cleansing on a fearful dog that lived most of her life in the animal shelter where I currently work. I didn’t have any knowledge about this kind of cleansing at that time and I have to admit that I used to be pretty sceptical about the what so called “energetic dimension“, but surprisingly after the cleansing the dog started being happier, with a sort of smile on her face. She was smiling through her eyes!! Little by little I observed the transformation of her behaviour too, she started trusting humans more and approaching us with more confidence. She revealed her true self, a joyful and sweet soul ready to live new adventures! Thanks Karolina, you did a miracle!!!
What are you waiting for?
Contact me if you would like to know anything else about the Emotion Cleaning or how could I help you find your happiness +34 616.357.321
Your – ABRACADABRA – must have helped because today he says he feels better; yesterday it was very bad: I had to feed him, dress him, shave him… My dad’s Whatsapp to me after the Emotions Cleaning of his friend, who is 72 & had heart attack
The result of the Emotional Cleansing Therapy that Karolina Kiwerska gave us has been incredible, by helping my sick dog with her therapy, not only did it relieve him, but he had absorbed Emotions from our entire Family, and by unblocking it from him, it has cleaned everyone’s things, even, to verify our distrustful mind, it has hit the age at which some members of the Family’s Emotions were blocked!!! I totally recommend it!!!
It feels like a great relief, without doing anything more than giving your consent to do the therapy!!! Excellent!!!
Are you ready to clean your temple?
Your body is your temple. Start removing your trapped emotions and you will notice changes… Lets go for it ♥ It is your life. What are you waiting for… ? Let me show you how.
Thank you dear Karolina, I felt so wonderfully light and peaceful that same day. Totally relaxed and free from negativity. I incorporate your tips and exercises into my everyday life and they help me a lot.
This energy work was very good for me. I felt light and somehow freed from some things…You can feel her opening the heart chakra area and you can breathe easier..
Healer - Empowerment Retreats