The life journey: our school

The life journey: our school

Waking up from “the bubble” is like a roller coaster, but consciously. Would I go back and NOT TAKE “THE RED PILL” and it all would be like it was before? The “normal ” way of life: wake up, go to work, come back, watch TV, news, go to sleep and next day the same. Is that enough to be happy and fullfilled? …

The power of Wadi Rum Desert

The power of Wadi Rum Desert

Beautiful colourful Wadi Rum desert. The Colors of your “Self Manifestation”, “ I am Worth it”, “ I allow myself”…
Every time I am here, I am amazed by its beauty and by its power. And every time I discover new places with this energy that attracts you and you don’t know why… until you know. It is not only the marvelous nature that makes you love this place. It is their people, the food, the stories, the peace, the silence, the million stars, the beautiful sun, the powerful energy that you will LOVE. I wish you can love this Wadi Rum desert as much as I love it. And if you like, I can take you on a magiKK trip to this Wadi Rum desert and maybe even enter other dimensions through the powerful portals that are hidden to human eye all over this desert…

My Ramadan in Wadi Rum Desert Cave

My Ramadan in Wadi Rum Desert Cave

I got up, brushed my teeth somewhere in the middle of the Wadi Rum desert…The mattress was too hot from the sun, so I just took a blanket and laid on the floor outside…The body really needs it during Ramadan. Without the food, the energy, it is really a must to relax, meditate, contemplate and sleep….The second day I was sleeping all day long, I could barely keep my eyes open… I guess just like bears that go into hibernation without food for winter…